Welcome address of the new IFHTSE President

13. Mär 2024

Welcome address of the new IFHTSE President

The new President addresses the events and tasks in the near future

Dear IFHTSE members,
from the beginning of 2024, I took office as the new president of IFHTSE. I pick up an important baton from Prof. Okumiya and I am honoured that my name is added to a list of prestigious colleagues and friends for whom I have deep esteem and who have enabled IFHTSE to become a world-renowned entity. I accept this appointment with great respect and will work to address the important challenges facing the heat treatment and surface engineering community. Together with the executive committee members, we will continue to organize and promote events, such as the coming IFHTSE World Congress (Cleveland, US, October) and the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering jointly with Thermal Process Modelling and Simulation (Lecce, Italy, 17-19 April). Participating in in-person events is important to strengthen our network of international relationships and help spread new knowledge. I ask you not to fail to support us! We will then try to further improve the website, strengthen our presence on social channels (LinkedIN), and bring you news through the newsletter in digital format, which has recently taken on a completely new look. I know I am not alone in this new adventure; I believe in the strength of teamwork and count on the help and support of all of you. Looking forward to meet you soon at one of the upcoming scheduled events.
Best regards,
Massimo Pellizzari