Alessandra Palombi wins Aichelin Young Speaker Award

16. Mai 2024

Alessandra Palombi wins Aichelin Young Speaker Award

Alessandra Palombi from the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” was given the award at the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, held in Lecce, Italy, in combination with the 5th International Conference on Thermal Process Modeling and Simulation.

She convinced the jury with her talk on "Low temperature plasma assisted carburizing of 3D printed 316 L stainless steel". The award, kindly sponsored with 1500€ by the Austria-based furnace manufacturer Aichelin, is given for the best talk by a speaker under 35 years of age at an IFHTSE conference in Europe. The next Aichelin Young Speaker Award will be given at the conference Motion in Heat Treatment - Heat Treatment in Motion in Prague, June 4 - 6, 2025.