List of IFHTSE Fellows

Fellow presentation plaques are kindly provided by Quaker Houghton Inc.

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> Dr. Patrick Jacquot, formerly Bodycote
“In recognition of his extensive contributions to the practical application of new heat treatment and surface engineering technologies and his long-time service to IFHTSE including his Presidency”
> Professor Bojan Podgornik, Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
“In recognition of his significant research work, knowledge contribution and international activity in the field of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, focused on deep cryogenic treatment, substrate multi-properties approach and hard coatings interactions”


Professor Yoshinao Mishima, formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
“In recognition of his study for improving the mechanical properties of heat-resistant metal materials by microstructure control, and contribution to the development of heat treatment technology and IFHTSE”


Professor Hans-Werner Zoch, formerly Leibniz-IWT Bremen, Germany
“For his far-sighted coverage of novel fields in research and technology and for his sustained leadership giving Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering a strong position in the research landscape and firm links to neighbouring fields”


  • Professor Rolf Zenker, Technical University of Freiberg, Germany
    “In recognition of being the leading expert worldwide for thermal electron beam technologies and his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of surface modification by rapid heat treatments, thus becoming the reference person of the international community in the matter”
  • Professor Oleg Bannykh, Russian Academy of Science, Russia
    “In recognition of his significant research on fundamentals of phase transformations and structure of alloys, especially nitrogen-alloyed martensitic and austenitic steels; his contribution to the development of new classes of high-strength steels with special properties; and his service as IFHTSE President in 1984-1986”


Dr. Kyozo Arimoto, Arimotech Ltd., Japan
“In recognition of his significant lifelong globally recognised contribution to the academic and industrial application of numerical methods for the fundamental understanding of phase transformations, residual stresses and distortion in heat treatment and surface engineering”


Professor Rafael Colás Ortiz, Universidad Autónoma de Nueva Leon, Monterrey, Mexico
“For his dedication to educating the next generation of heat treating and surface engineering students; For his investigations of aluminium casting performance, especially for automotive applications; and for his seminal work on high temperature oxidation of alloys”


  • Dr. Thomas Lübben, IWT Bremen, Germany
    “In recognition of his seminal contributions to experimental and theoretical work on quenching, heat treatment, and residual stresses due to thermal treatment; Lübben’s contributions and leadership are likely to provide the essential groundwork in his field for many years to come”
  • Dr. Valery Rudnev, Inductotherm, USA
    “For his preeminence in induction heat treating, and modeling of the induction heat treating process”
  • Dr. Richard D. Sisson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
    “For his recognised leadership at the Center for Heat Treating Excellence, and his continued passion for educating the next generation of heat treating engineers and researchers”


  • Robert Wood, former IFHTSE Secretary General, UK
    "For his tireless dedication to IFHTSE as Secretary for more than 25 years; increasing the visibility of IFHTSE on the global heat treating stage through his commitment and hard work"
  • Dr. Herwig Altena, Aichelin, Austria
    “In recognition of his significant contribution to the scientific development and transfer of knowledge from science to industrial application in the field of atmospheric and vacuum furnaces and the related heat treatment processes”
  • Professor Arkadii Tikhonov, AvtoVAZ, Russia
    “In recognition of his dedicated contribution to the technologies involved in the reorganization and development of a significant player in the Russian and global automotive industry”


Dr. Lynn Ferguson, DANTE Solutions Inc., USA
“In recognition of globally acknowledged leadership in the development and practical implementation of principles and practices of mathematical modeling and their application to the benefit and advancement of heat treatment industry and surface engineering”


Professor Aleksander Nakonieczny, IMP Warsaw, Poland
“In recognition of widely recognised and significant contributions to the understanding of the role of microstructure and residual stress in heat treatment and surface engineering processes, with particular reference to improved corrosion and wear”
[Prof. Nakonieczny died on 28 February 2013]


  • Dr. Vojteh Leskovšek, Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    “In recognition of long-term contributions to the study of heat treatment and surface engineering with important emphasis on: fracture toughness; vacuum treatment of tool and high-speed steels; the use and effects of sub-zero treatments”
  • Professor Božo Smoljan, University of Rijeka, Croatia
    “In recognition of frequent and significant contributions on thermal process modelling of materials notably steels; also on hardenability, heat treatment and quenching in general”
  • Dr. George Vander Voort, Vander Voort Consulting, Wadsworth IL, USA
    “In recognition of his valuable contributions over many years to the study of effective use of metallography; not only do his publications in this field set a standard of authority, he is widely appreciated and acknowledged as a leader in the development and delivery of educational short courses on metallographic characterization for a wide range of engineering materials”


  • Professor Božidar Liščić, University of Zagreb, Croatia
    “In recognition of his numerous past and ongoing developments in the quenching and heat treatment of steels and for his tireless support of global knowledge transfer for the global heat treatment community”
  • Dr. Paul Stratton, formerly Linde Group, UK
    “In recognition of his enormous contributions to the understanding and use of industrial gases with respect to equipment and process development, and characterization of heat treated and surface engineered ferrous and non-ferrous metals”
  • Professor André Paulo Tschiptschin, University of São Paolo, Brazil
    “In recognition of his global leadership and leading edge research combining outstanding knowledge and skills in steel microstructure, properties and processes, including heat treatment, and of a wide range of surface engineering processes, and relating the results of the work to wear and corrosion of materials”
  • Professor Hans-Maria Tensi, TU München, Germany
    “In recognition of his extensive contributions over many years, especially to the study of quenching, but also to pioneering work on thermal processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in general, wetting kinematics, and metal casting under microgravity conditions”


  • Professor Cemil Hakan Gür, Middle East Tech University, Ankara, Turkey
    “In recognition of his dedicated and tireless work in ensuring the coordination and completion of the multinational work enshrined in the publication ‘Handbook of thermal process modelling of steels’, already recognised as a milestone in its field”
  • Professor Lauralice Canale, EESC-USP, Sao Carlos SP, Brazil
    “In recognition of the key role she has played over many years in ensuring the global visibility of work in heat treatment and surface engineering in Latin America in general and in Brazil in particular”


  • Professor FAN Dongli, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, China
    “In recognition of long-term dedication to research on, and application of, energy-saving and environmentally benign heat treatment technology, as well as his role in promoting the present high visibility of the Chinese contribution to the heat treatment community globally”
  • Professor Michiharu Narazaki, Utsunomiya University, Japan
    “In recognition of his leadership in, and his own immense contribution to, the international development of knowledge, standards, procedures and modelling in the field of quenching, cooling, transformations, quench distortion and residual stress; he was also one of the first to use acoustic analysis to study boiling phenomena”
  • Professor Heinz-Joachim Spies, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
    “In recognition of his outstanding contributions to education and research in heat treatment and surface science and technology generally, and in particular to answering the consequent demands placed on materials development”


  • Professor Johann Grosch, TU Berlin, Germany
    “In recognition of the impact made by his seminal research and teaching in the vitally important fields of material strength and thermochemical processes, and by his many contributions to publishing and conference activity in those fields”
  • Academician PAN Jiansheng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
    “In recognition of long-term contributions to, and encouragement of, the study and dissemination of modelling and simulation in heat treatment and surface engineering


  • Professor Peter Mayr, formerly IWT Bremen, Germany
    “In recognition of a wide range of research and development contributions to many aspects of heat treatment, most notably in the study of distortion”
  • Dr. Zoltán Kolozsváry, SC Plasmaterm SA, Târgu Mures, Romania
    “In recognition both of globally acknowledged industrial-scale practice in the field of plasma nitriding, and of his enormous contributions to the heat treatment and surface engineering community manifest in his presidency of IFHTSE for 1998-99 and his dedicated, successful and long-term service as its Treasurer”


  • Professor Sabine Denis, Ecole des Mines Nancy, France
    “In recognition of globally acknowledged leadership in the development of mathematical modelling principles and practices and their application to the benefit and advancement of heat treatment and surface engineering science and technology”
  • Professor Tatsuo Inoue, Kyoto University, Japan
    “In recognition of globally acknowledged leadership in the developmet of mathematical modelling principles and practices and their application to the benefit and advancement of heat treatment and surface engineering science and technology”
  • Professor Tamás Réti, University, Györ, Hungary
    “In recognition of globally acknowledged leadership in the development of mathematical modelling principles and practices and their application to the benefit and advancement of heat treatment and surface engineering science and technology”


Dr. George Totten, Totten Associates, USA
“In recognition of his extensive contribution, over many years, to the global spread of knowledge of heat treatment process development especially in the field of quenching, to the understanding of process chemistry, and recently to the better and more widespread use of modelling and simulation”


Academician XU Binshi, CMES Surface Engineering Research Institute, China
“In recognition of the exceptional foresight demonstrated by his early recognition of the critical importance of surface engineering in what has proved to be the spectacular industrial and economic development of China”


Professor Tom Bell, University of Birmingham, UK
“In recognition of his unique combination of crucial contributions to progress in heat treatment and, over the last twenty years, his central role in the foundation, growth, and global understanding of surface engineering as a family of concepts and processes of increasing scientific, industrial, and economic significance”


  • Dr. Bernd Edenhofer, Ipsen Industries International GmbH, Germany
    “In recognition of invaluable contributions over 30 years to the fundamentals and practice of thermochemical heat treatment technologies”
  • Dr. Kiyoshi Funatani, IMST Inst, Japan
    “In recognition of the industrialisation of diverse surface engineering technologies in the automotive sector”
  • Professor George Krauss, Colorado School of Mines, USA
    “In recognition of a lifetime contribution to the carburising of steels”
  • Academician LEI Tingquan, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
    “In recognition of outstanding fundamental contributions to the microstructure and properties of steels”
  • Dr. T S Sudarshan, Materials Modification Inc, USA
    “In recognition of the global communication of surface engineering as an emerging interdisciplinary subject”

Specimen of the Fellowship plaque
